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Our Alien Overlords | How We Secretly Serve The Tall Whites

The Tall White Aliens: We Work for Them Charles Hall, a former weather observer at Nellis Air Force  ...View More

B-29 Air Battles Over Tokyo(WW2,History, ARCHIVE, Footage, Documentary in English,Bomber)

Explore history with DocuEra! Join us on a journey of discovery: #documentary ...View More

Living Forever | Discovering the 'Elixir of Life' | Conspiracy | History | FULL ENGLISH DOCUMENTARY

For millennia, mankind has sought the mythical substance known as the "Elixir of Life". The allure o ...View More

Alien Contact: NASA Exposed | Aliens | Conspiracy | FULL ENGLISH DOCUMENTARY

Whistleblowers claim NASA not only knows about alien visitations but that they are in contact with e ...View More

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